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The Alcohol Audit

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

Sobriety Exit

When Should You Question Your drinking?

I get asked all the time, What was your rock bottom moment? What made you realise you could no longer drink?

I never considered myself as having one rock bottom moment, I didn't crash my car, I didn't hurt anybody else, I didn't get in fights like some of my friends did. If I stopped and compared my drinking to those around me, I was actually very much a ‘normal drinker’, in fact people loved the drunk me (my drunk alter ego was Party Girl).

There were a few moments in my drinking career that definitely should have made me stop and think, but our society had me thinking that until I was locked up for my behaviour or losing my family due to being unable to function, then there was no need to give up this poison.

However, I did question my inability to say ‘No’ to a drink, and then the several that would follow after that first one. I first questioned my lack of control in my early twenties, only to be told that if I wasn’t hiding my drinking or drinking during the day, there wasn't an issue.

It took me another 15 years to finally start taking back control, and those 15 years were such an uncomfortable place to be. Yes, giving up alcohol was bloody hard, but nowhere near as hard as doing something over and over that made me feel like crap yet not knowing how to break free.

The danger with our culture thinking that there has to be a rock bottom moment before questioning your relationship with alcohol, is that how rock bottom is rock bottom enough? I know first hand of a loved one who has spent weeks in rehab, but was still comparing their rock bottom to others in there, who had lost their families and jobs due to alcohol, and therefore believed they didn't need to stop drinking. Comparing ourselves to others can actually mean that we don't take those first steps to change.

The chances are, if you are following my journey, and reading this, there is already doubts in your mind about your habits with alcohol, but I invite you to ask yourself these questions, if you answer yes to any of them, then maybe it is time for you to take a break and see what might happen if you remove this poison from your life.

  • Do you need alcohol to have fun?

  • Do all of your hobbies revolve around alcohol?

  • Have you ever felt guilt, shame or remorse by your behaviour when drunk?

  • Are your loved ones concerned about your drinking?

  • Do you ever put alcohol before the people you love?

  • Have you tried to give up alcohol in the past but failed?

  • Has alcohol ever stopped you fulfilling commitments?

  • Does the thought of giving up alcohol for 30 days terrify you?

For me, there wasn't a point that I thought ‘I can no longer drink, or else I am going to lose everything', instead I took several breaks and it allowed me to become mindful of the effects that alcohol was having on me both physically and mentally. Eventually, (and it took a long time), I changed my mindset to ‘I don't want to drink’.

If you would like to know more about my sobriety journey follow me on Instagram @sobrietysisterhood or if you are interested in finding out more about my fitness and sobriety coaching please check out the website


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